If you are interested in participating in Choose to Move, visit www.choosetomove.ca today!
Choose to Move is a free, 3-month program designed to help people 55 and older who are lightly active or sedentary to become and stay more physically active in a way that works for them. It is not a traditional fitness class.
Through a one-on-one session with a trained activity coach, participants will set goals and build a plan that suits their lifestyle and abilities. They will choose activities they will enjoy and are able to do! They will also join 8 group meetings where they connect with peers, share successes, discuss challenges, and hold each other accountable to their action plans. Each meeting includes information about important health and wellness topics to help keep them on track.
Eligible participants are:
* 55 or older
* Getting fewer than 150 minutes of heartrate or breath-rate raising activity each week
* Not a Choose to Move participant in the last two years.
Since 2014, the Active Aging Society has delivered Choose to Move in partnership with large and small community organizations across all five health authorities.
Choose to Move was developed by Professor Heather McKay, Associate Professor Joanie Sims-Gould and the Active Aging Research Team at the University of British Columbia. The Active Aging Society stewards Choose to Move.
To explore the reach, scope, impact, and future of Choose to Move, click on the buttons below.

If you represent an organization that is interested in offering Choose to Move, click here.